Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Comic Books Are The Best Way To Boost Children’s Learning!

 Comics Books

Comics concern certain teachers and parents about the low level connotation and lack of decent language. Also the graphics and pictures which are displayed in comics and several other children books raise the eyebrows of many parents about the pictures being misinterpreted by children.
However, parents please take a note of this research and this article. Professor Carol Tilley who teaches at Illinois University and is a lead researcher said, “Comics and story books for children are as sophisticated as the other types of reading” he said. “Also the benefits which children receive from reading various interesting stories like Hindi panchatantra stories are similar to the benefits from reading other types of books.”
#Children love to read comics and story books

Children love to read comic books. They also love to read various other story books for children. As a result children develop a habit of reading and understanding texts and pictures at a young age!

#How these types of children books develop reading habits in children?

Children books like in the form of comics and Hindi panchatantra stories consist of text plus interesting graphics. As a result, children love to read through them and learn important messages generated from these stories like leadership, team spirit, etc which are essential for a child’s growth. These kinds of children books are the best way to inculcate reading habits in children which is vital for their learning process. They have the potential to transform reluctant readers to develop reading habits.
Reading at a young age can be a boring task for children. However, with comic books reading becomes a fun task for children!

#More facts about comic books!

Multiple research studies indicate the engaging capabilities which they comic books create around children. This makes them more matured with greater intelligence gradually. Reading is necessary to develop a pool of vocabulary and understand the meaning of texts, communication and further learning. However very few children from a young age develop the habit of reading books, novels and newspapers.
Books like story books as well as comics have the potential to instill a comprehensive mindset and vocabulary in children’s minds in an amusing way!
Research has proved that when a child reads such illustrative comic materials, he/she gets essential learning benefits vital for growth. They give similar benefits to children as they get from reading any newspaper or any other book.
Top it off; all comic hounds enjoy reading a good book!


You may get surprised when your 6-year old daughter asks about terms like ‘friendship’ ‘team spirit’ ‘success’ or ‘leadership’ or any other term of comparative literature. You may think that she got those from reading some president’s biography or Economic Times.  However, don’t get startled when she says she got them after reading an interesting comic!
Hence, if you’re considering the essential things to give to your child to develop reading and learning habits, you might well consider and allow your child read, learn and enjoy her comic! They are well versed to help children develop good reading habits!

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